Trewstar Corporate Board Services

Three Truths and a Lie, Part 4

January 15, 2025

The lie: The board evaluation is complete once the findings are delivered

Dear Friends of Trewstar:

We report the themes and findings of our evaluations to some combination of the Chair of the Board, the Nominating & Governance Committee Chair and the CEO. We are often also asked to summarize them for the entire board. For each identified issue, we recommend specific actions based on directors’ suggestions and best board practices. At this point, a busy board may be tempted to pronounce the evaluation complete.
In actuality, this is when the important work begins. To achieve the goal of more effective board performance, the board must identify which changes have the greatest potential to improve their effectiveness, who is responsible for implementing them and how the board will track success in the months ahead.
Prioritize very carefully. Focus on one or two changes at a time. And track that the changes happen and produce the desired results. Only then is your board evaluation complete.
As always, we encourage you to share your ideas, questions and insights with us.
Happy New Year!                                                        

Beth Stewart & The Trewstar Team

P.S. Click the links to read Truth #1 and Truth #2 and Truth #3.